Advice for Those who Author Refutations


In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

All praise is for Allaah, may peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allaah; upon his family, companions and all those who followed him.

I would like to admonish myself and my brothers to fear Allaah (the most High) and to be cautious and wary of Allaah in speech and action, both apparent and hidden.

Furthermore, I would like to remind myself and also my brothers who are involved in authoring – especially in the domain of refutations; that they should pay attention to their articles, ensuring they emanate from an honest intention and sincerity for the sake Allaah (the most High).

The one writing the refutation should only intend advice for the one being refuted and for the rest of the people, so they are not deceived by the innovations and errors that are found in the writings of the one being refuted. Any action, if it is not done sincerely for the sake of Allaah, will not benefit the person when he is with Allaah. So beware of the plots of Shaytaan in this regard.

Shaytaan may try to beautify the praise of the people for the one writing the refutation; that the people will say, ‘such a person is a champion of the truth’ or ‘he is courageous and he does not fear anybody for the sake of Allaah’ and so on and so forth. Due to this, the person [writing the refutation] may be the first of those who are burnt in the Fire on the Day of Resurrection – refuge is sought in Allaah.

Also from the ploys of Shaytaan is that he deceives the person so that he intends by his refutation to only avenge himself or his Shaykh. However, the reality is that refutations should only be written in order to defend the truth, and Allaah is not deceived. Indeed Allaah knows the secrets and that which is hidden, and He knows well the deceptions used and what the chests conceal.

The one writing the refutation should strive to ascertain the truth. So much so that his refutation is based upon knowledge, evidences and proofs from the Book, the Sunnah and sayings of the people of knowledge from the pious predecessors of this Ummah – both old and recent.

He should be diligent; fearing Allaah in his choice of words and he should distance himself – as much as possible – from words of insult,abuse, ridicule and contempt. This applies even if the person being refuted is from the most foolish of people in speaking and writing.

A believer is not somebody who curses, insults and neither is he vulgar and obscene. [1]

Yes, whoever is oppressed has a right to defend himself, however if he is patient then that is better for him. The opportunity of writing on the internet specifically, requires us to be even more careful due to the amount of people that come across a single article, and also due to the difference in people’s understanding and intentions.

Indeed, establishing the truth and the removal of falsehood does not require phrases of insult, mockery and calling nicknames, rather it requires justice and being upon the truth.

Also, to distance yourself from using insults is even more important when the one being refuted is inferior in knowledge, understanding, character and manners – taking into consideration his evil and foolishness; so that he does not have a pretext to exaggerate and increase in insulting the Sunnah and the people of Sunnah.

Allaah (the most high) said,

{…and do not insult those they invoke other than Allaah, lest they insult Allaah in enmity without knowledge} [06:108]

Allaah (the Glorified) forbade us from insulting the idols of the Mushrikeen – even though it is the truth – due to the greater harm that it would lead to. This being that they would then insult Allaah out of anger for their idols.

May Allaah guide us to all that He loves and is pleased with. May peace and blessings be upon His slave and messenger Muhammad, his family and companions.


The original title of this article given by the author is: ‘An Advice,’ I [the translator] have changed this slightly in order to reflect accurately the content of the article.

[1] Referring to the authentic hadeeth of Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood, collected by At-Tirmidhee, with this meaning.

نصيحة لمن يكتب في مجال الردود


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه أما بعد :

فأوصي نفسي وإخواني بتقوى الله تعالى، ومراقبته في الأقوال والأفعال الظاهرة والباطنة. ثم إني أوصي نفسي وإخوتي الذين يتصدون للكتابة لاسيما في _ مجال الردود_ أن يحرصوا أعظم الحرص أن تكون مقالاتهم نابعة عن صدق نية وإخلاص لله تعالى بحيث لا يقصد الراد إلا النصح للمردود عليه ولعامة الناس حتى لا يغتروا بالبدع والأخطاء التي تكون في مقالات المردود عليهم،لأن العمل ما لم يكن خالصاً لله فلا ينتفع به صاحبه عند ربه عز وجل،

وليحذر من مداخل الشيطان في هذا الباب فالشيطان قد يزين للراد مدح الناس أن يقولوا (فلان قوال بالحق) (فلان جريئ لا تأخذه في الله لومة لائم) (فلان وفلان ..) حتى ربما كان من أول من تسعر بهم النار يوم القيامة والعياذ بالله. ومن مداخله في هذا الباب أن يدخل الرد قصد الانتصار للنفس أو للشيخ بينما هو في الظاهر من باب الانتصار للحق والله عز وجل لا يخادع فإنه سبحانه يعلم السر وأخفى، وإنه سبحانه يعلم خائنة الأعين وما تخفي الصدور. وأن يحرص الراد كذلك على الحق جهده وطاقته بأن يكون رده مبنياً على العلم والحجج والبراهين من الكتاب والسنة والنقل عن أهل العلم من سلف الأمة قديما وحديثاً.

وأن يحرص على تقوى الله تعالى في اختيار الكلام فيبتعد عن عبارات السب والشتم والتنقص والازدراء _ ما أمكن_ حتى وإن كان المردود عليه من أسفه الناس لساناً وقلماً، فليس المؤمن باللعان ولا الطعان ولا الفاحش البذيء، نعم من ظلم فله أن ينتصر وأن يرد السيئة بمثلها [1] وإن صبر فهو خير له ، لكن مقام الكتابة في صفحات الانترنت خاصة يقتضي مزيداً من العناية لكثرة من يطلع على المقال الواحد وتنوع مداركهم ومقاصدهم. إن إحقاق الحق وإبطال الباطل لا يفتقر إلى عبارات (الشتم) و(السخرية) و(التنابز بالألقاب) وإنما يفتقر إلى توخي العدل وإصابة الحق.

ويتأكد البعد عن _ عبارات التجريح_ حين يكون الخصم منحطاً علماً وفهما وخلقاً وأدباً مداراة لشره وسفاهته حتى لا يكون له عذر في التمادي والزيادة في الطعن في السنة وفي أهل السنة. وقد قال تعالى

{ولا تسبوا الذين يدعون من دون الله فيسبوا الله عدوا بغير علم}

فنهى سبحانه عن سب آلهة المشركين _ وهو حق _ لما يترتب عليه من المفسدة العظيمة وهي سبهم لله تعالى غضباً لآلهتهم. وفق الله الجميع لما يحبه ويرضاه ، وصلى الله على عبده ورسوله محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليماً.


[1] لم أترجم هذه العبارة الأخيرة (وأن يرد السيئة بمثلها) لما يظهر بعد ترجمته خلاف مراد المؤلف. وقد استشرت الشيخ علي الحدادي في هذا، مبينا له وجهة نظري ، فوافقني وأشار إلى الاكتفاء بالجملة التي قبلها (من ظلم فله أن ينتصر) . نسأل الله أن يجعل كل ذلك في ميزان حسناته وأن يسدده في أقواله وأفعاله ويبارك في جهوده.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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