Burma: A Reflection of the Muslim World

Question: May Allaah show goodness to you, O virtuous Shaykh. We would like some words of advice from you to the Muslims regarding the current massacre and ethnic cleansing of our Muslim brothers by the Buddhists of Burma; [1] it being an extension of the killing over past decades.[2] Knowing fully well, that there is an agenda from the global media in concealing this matter.

Response: This situation is not specific to only the Burmese; Islaam currently is being attacked in many of the Muslim countries. The disbelieving countries have now attacked and occupied the Muslim countries; they don’t want the Muslims to establish a state, they don’t want for Islaam to have a presence – as much as they are able to do so.

They know fully well what they are doing to the Muslims; they call it democracy, they want to force their ideology and laws of disbelief upon us. They want to force the laws of disbelief upon us, calling it democracy and secularism.

However, Allaah (may He be Glorified) refuses except that His light becomes complete and apparent.

Upon us is to supplicate, to increase in our supplications and sincerely repeat them; that Allaah (may He be glorified) gives victory to our Muslim brothers in every place, and gives them ability against their enemies.

Upon us is to supplicate, we do not possess the ability to do anything aside from supplicating. As for the one who has the ability to do something more than this, then he should strive to offer what he is able to do.


[1] Formerly known as the Union of Burma, it was renamed The Union of Myanmar in 1989.

[2] The current massacre of the Muslims in Myanmar occurred in the Rakhine State involving ethnic Rohingya Muslims who are native to Myanmar. The latest killing – rather massacre – began in June 2012, however this is only reflective of a history of ethnic cum religious cleansing carried out by governmental Buddhist forces over the past decades, beginning from 1784.

Please refer to ‘Myanmar’s Muslims; The Oppressed of the Oppressed’ by Rianne ten Veen (published by Islamic Human Rights Commission) for a historical report of the situation of the Muslims in Myanmar.”

موقفنا مما يتعرض له المسلمين في بورما

أحسنَ الله إليكم، فضيلة الشيخ نريد كلمة توجيهية للمسلمين حول مذابح (البوذيين) لإخواننا المسلمين في (بُورْمَا) الآن، وهي امتدادًا -كذا- للمذابح والتطهير العِرْقِي لهم منذ عشرات السنين علمًا بأن هناك تكتم إعلامي عالمي حيال هذه القضية.

الجواب: هذه المسألة ليست خاصة بـ (البُورْمِيِّين)، الإسلام الآن يُهاجَم في كثيرٍ من بلاد المسلمين، الدول الكافرة تسلطت على المسلمين الآن، لا تريد أن تقومَ لهم دولة، ولا تريد أن يكون للإسلام وجود – مهما استطاعوا – فهم تعلمون الآن ماذا يعملون مع المسلمين؟ يُسمون هذا بـ (الديمقراطية)، يفرضون علينا مذهبهم وحكمهم الكفري، يفرضون علينا الحكم الكفري وهو ما يسمونه (الديمقراطية) و(العِلمانية)، ولكن يأبى الله -سبحانه وتعالى- إلا أن يتم نورَه فعلينا بـالدعاء، كثرة الدعاء والإلحاح على الله – سبحانه وتعالى- لإخواننا المسلمين في كل مكان أن ينصرهم الله، وأن ينقذهم من عدوهم.علينا بـالدعاء، لا نملك لهم غير الدعاء ، وعلى مَن عنده مقدرة أكثر من هذا أن يبذلَ ما يقدر عليه.


He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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