When a scholar falls into an innovation

Reference: Q&A Session from the Explanation of Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah [1]

Question: We hope for a clarification of the statement of Imaam ash-Shaatibee (may Allaah have mercy upon him) in al-Muwaafaqaat:

It is appropriate that an innovator is not named (or specified) in the religion as long as it isn’t a major innovation like the Khawaarij. This is in order to protect unity, love and affection between the Muslims.

Response: This statement refers to a scholar, if he makes a mistake or has some innovations with him, then he is not treated like the people of innovation who are distant and in opposition to Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah.

Meaning that if a person falls into [an innovation] then he is excused, Tabdee’ is not made of him, nor is he boycotted or is his goodness abandoned – due to a mistake that has occurred from him.

There are many scholars of the Muslims who other scholars and students of knowledge are in need of their knowledge. Yet despite this they fell into acts of innovation. If they were treated like the people of innovation are treated then nobody would rely on what they produced and the knowledge they had.

It is known that from among the scholars who were from the People of Hadeeth were those who had blameworthy stances relating to Aqeedah; such as being confused in issues or being tested due to their teacher. This is often the case, that students are harmed and tested due to the deviations of their teachers.

So whoever is from the people of knowledge and upon the Sunnah, and then he falls into some mistakes in Aqeedah or other than Aqeedah, he is not treated like the People of Innovation such as the Qadariyyah, Mu’tazilah, Rawaafidh  and Khawaarij. Rather his knowledge should be benefited from, and he should be supplicated for and his errors should not been followed up.



[1] The arabic transcript can be found here: http://audio.islamweb.net/AUDIO/index.php?page=FullContent&audioid=170654

العالم إذا وقع في البدعة

المرجع: أسئلة من شرح الأربعين النووية للشيخ عبد المحسن العباد.

السؤال: نرجو بيان معنى كلام الشاطبي رحمه الله في الموافقات حيث قال: ” ينبغي عدم تعيين من ابتدع في الدين، دون البدع العظيمة كالخوارج، وذلك حفظاً للوحدة والألفة والمودة بين عموم المسلمين؟

الجواب: هذا الكلام يتعلق بالعالم إذا أخطأ وكان فيه شيء من البدعة، فإنه لا يعامل معاملة أصحاب البدع الذين هم مجانبون لأهل السنة والجماعة ومخالفون لأهل السنة والجماعة يعني: أن من حصل منه شيء من ذلك فإنه يعذر، فلا يبدع ولا يهجر ولا يترك ما عنده من الحق بسبب ما حصل منه من الخطأ.

وكم من علماء المسلمين من لا يستغني العلماء وطلبة العلم عن علمهم، ومع ذلك وقعوا في شيء من البدعة، فلو أنهم عوملوا معاملة أهل البدع؛ لم يعول على شيء مما جاءوا به وعلى ما عندهم من العلم.

ومن المعلوم أن من العلماء من هو من أهل الحديث وعنده أمور منكرة فيما يتعلق بالعقيدة، كأن يكون عنده تخليط، وقد يكون ابتلي ببعض مشايخه، وغالباً ما يكون الضرر والبلاء على التلاميذ من الشيوخ إذا كانوا منحرفين.

فمن كان من أهل العلم بالسنة وحصل منه شيء من الخطأ في العقيدة أو غير العقيدة لا يعامل معاملة أهل البدع كالقدرية والمعتزلة، والرافضة والخوارج، وإنما يؤخذ من علمه ويدعى له، ولا يتابع على خطئه.


He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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