Prayed the Maghrib prayer and then remembered he had not prayed the ‘Asr prayer

Reference: al-Haawee min Fataawa ash-Shaykh al-Albaanee – Page 187

Question: If one remembers that he has not prayed the ‘Asr [prayer] until after he has prayed the Maghrib [prayer], should he pray the ‘Asr and [redo the] Maghrib [prayers – one right after the other] or the ‘Asr [prayer] only?

Response: He should pray the ‘Asr prayer only, because the Maghrib [prayer] has already been prayed in its [appointed] time, and likewise he [would have] prayed the ‘Asr [prayer] in its [appointed] time because its [appointed] time is when he remembered [he had not prayed] it.

صلى المغرب ثم تذكر أنه لم يصل العصر

المرجع: الحاوى من فتاوى الشيخ الألباني – ص187

السؤال: إذا مُصلِ تذكر أنه لم يُصلِ العصر إلا بعد أن صلى المغرب، هل يصلى العصر و المغرب أو العصر فقط؟

الجواب: يصلى صلاة العصر فقط لأن المغرب صليت في وقتها و كذلك صلى العصر في وقتها لأن وقتها وقت ذكرها.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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