Who are the ones fit to do Jarh wa Ta’deel? – Part 2

Reference: Audio Tape: Who is Qualified to Apply Jarh and Ta’deel

Question: There are some people that don’t have anything better to do, except to make ‘Tajreeh’ (statements indicating untrustworthiness and unreliability) of certain scholars, and to make ‘Ta’deel’ (statements of praise and approval indicating the trustworthiness and reliability) of other scholars, so what do you say to them and what do you advise them with, may Allaah reward you?

Response: [Continued…] 2) The second category or type of people are the students of knowledge who do not possess the accuracy and precision or the correct actualization in this affair, (ليس عندهم تحقيق في هدا الباب) so that which is ‘waajib’ (obligatory and binding) upon them is to accept the statements of scholars who have already preceded them in declaring someone to be reliable or unreliable because they (the students of knowledge) are reliant and dependant upon the first category of people (the scholars) in Al-Jarh wa-Ta’deel.

So do not go to extremes with regards to your brothers and I advise you about making general statements such as this because many people don’t understand these types of general statements. So be assured of that which I have mentioned to you just a short moment ago.

And this (the science of Jarh wa-Ta’deel) is from amongst the greatest of affairs in regards to defending the Sunnah and its people, and also driving away and rebuking the people of innovation and also in (purifying) ‘the path’ making the way for the spread of the Sunnah and strengthening its people.

For verily Ahlus-Sunnah are not people driven by anger or bent on taking revenge, rather their only concern is the protection of the Sunnah.

As a matter of fact Ahlus-Sunnah may refute a mistake even if it is not an innovation and this is in order that the Sunnah may be protected and safeguarded, in the areas that pertain to the aspects of the ‘aqeedah’, and also in the areas that pertain to the aspects of worship, likewise, that which relates to the way that people deal with one another and go about their affairs.

So you must realize and understand this, and likewise your brothers and sisters.

لمن الجرح و التعديل

المرجع: الشريط “لمن الجرح والتعديل” للشيخ عبيد الجابري من تسجيلات ابن رجب

السؤال: تقول السائلة : بعض الشباب ليس لهم شغل يعملون به إلا في تجريح الشيخ الفلاني وتعديل الشيخ الفلاني , فماذا تقولون لهم , وبماذا تنصحونهم , جزآكم الله خيراً ؟

الجواب: الصنف الثاني: من هم طلاب العلم, ليس عندهم تحقيق في هذا الباب فالواجب عليهم أن يقبلوا قول من جرح ومن عدل لأنهم عال على الصنف الأول في الجرح والتعديل. و بهذا لا تشتطي يا بنتي على إخوانك فأنا أنصحك على مثل هذه العبارة لان كثيرا من الناس لا يفهمون العبارات المطلقة مثل هذه فتأكدي مما قلت لك قبل قليل. و هذا هو من أعظم الأبواب في الذب عن السنة وأهلها وزجر المبتدعة وتوسعة السبيل لنشر السنة وتقوية أهلها. فأهل السنة يا بنتي ليس عندهم التشفي،

وإنما الذوة عن حمى السنة بل أهل السنة يردون المخالفة و ان لم تكن المخالفة بدعية و ذلك لتصون السنة في العبادة العلمية و هى العقيدة و العبادة العملية و المعاملات و السلوك فتفطني أنت و إخوانك و أخواتك

- short bio pending

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