Dealing with a neighbour who is from the People of Innovation

Reference: Sharh al-Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah, Tape 19

Question: How should I interact with a neighbour who is from the people of innovation and his innovation may well be one of disbelief?

Response: Interact with him by calling him [to the Truth] and striving to save him [from this innovation of disbelief]; Just as you would deal with a disbeliever who is upon disbelief – [then] deal with your neighbour likewise.

If boycotting him is of benefit to him, then do so; However, in most cases, boycotting a neighbour has no effect [on him]. Rather, boycotting is effective in cases such as a father boycotting his son, the Shaykh boycotting his student or other than them where boycotting may be effective.

As for the issue of the neighbour, then a person maintaining relations with him and taking care to guide him is better than boycotting him and distancing himself away from him.

كيفية التعامل مع الجار الذي من أهل البدعة

المرجع: شرح الأربعين النووية – الشريط 19

السؤال: الجار الذي هو من أهل البدع وقد تكون بدعته مكفرة، كيف أتعامل معه؟

الجواب: تعامل معه بدعوته والحرص على إنقاذه، وكما تعامل الكافر الذي هو كافر أصلي أيضاً تعامله، وإذا كان هجرك إياه يفيده فافعل.

لكن في الغالب أن الجيران لا يؤثر هجرهم، إنما الذي يؤثر مثل هجر الوالد للولد، وهجر الشيخ للتلميذ وغيرهم ممن قد يؤثر فيهم الهجر، وأما قضية الجيران فكون الإنسان يبقى على صلة به ويحرص على هدايته خير من أن يهجره ويبتعد عنه.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. He currently resides in Birmingham, UK.

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