Offering Udhhiyah Sacrifice on Behalf of a Deceased Person – 1

Reference: Fataawa Ibn Baaz Vol. 18 p.41

Question: What is the ruling of offering Udhhiyyah, [1] and is it permitted to be done on behalf of a deceased person?

Response: The Udhhiyyah is a Sunnah Muakkadah (Emphasised Sunnah) according to the opinion of the majority of scholars. This is because the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) offered the Udhhiyah sacrifice and encouraged his Ummah to do it.

It is required in its correct time, from a living person for himself and members of his household. He can also share the reward of it with whoever he wants – whether the person is living or deceased.

As for performing the Udhhiyah sacrifice on behalf of a deceased person, then it is permitted if:

  • He bequeathed it to be done from a third of his wealth
  • It was a part of a Waqf (charitable endowment)

In both case, it becomes an obligation upon the person in charge of the deceased Wasiyyah (bequest) or Waqf (charitable endowment) to carry out the Udhhiyah on behalf of the deceased.

If however he did not bequeath it nor left it as a Waqf (Charitable Endowment), but a person wanted to offer Udhhiyah sacrifice on behalf of his [deceased] father and mother, then this is good. It is considered as being Sadaqah (charity) on behalf of a deceased person.

Giving Sadaqah on behalf of a deceased person is legislated according to the opinion of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah.

As for donating money to the value of the sacrifice considering this to be better than actually sacrificing, if the deceased person had stipulated a sacrifice in his bequest or his Waqf, then it is not permitted for the person who has been entrusted with this to donate money [rather he must sacrifice an animal as stipulated].

If a person is voluntarily offering a sacrifice on behalf of a deceased person, then there is leniency in the issue.

So the Udhhiyah is an emphasised Sunnah for a living Muslim for himself and on behalf of his household. Physically sacrificing it is better than donating it value in money.

Tawfeeq is from Allaah [2]



[1] Udhhiyyah refers to the ritual sacrifice that is done in the morning of Eid al-Adhaa. It is also called Qurbani in some culture.


ما حكم الأضحيَّة، وهل تجوز عن الميت؟

المرجع: مجموع فتاوى ابن باز مجلد ١٨ صفحة ٤١

السؤال: ما حكم الأضحيَّة، وهل تجوز عن الميت؟

الجواب: الأضحيَّة سنة مؤكدة في قول أكثر العلماء؛ لأنه صلى الله عليه وسلم ضحى وحثَّ أمته على الأضحيَّة، والأصل أنها مطلوبة في وقتها من الحي عن نفسه وأهل بيته، وله أن يشرك في ثوابها من شاء من الأحياء والأموات.

أما الأضحيَّة عن الميت فإن كان أوصى بها في ثلث ماله مثلاً، أو جعلها في وقف له وجب على القائم على الوقف أو الوصية تنفيذها،
وإن لم يكن أوصى بها ولا جعل لها وقفًا وأحب إنسان أن يضحي عن أبيه أو أمه أو غيرهما فهو حسن. ويعتبر هذا من أنواع الصدقة عن الميت، والصدقة عنه مشروعة في قول أهل السنة والجماعة.

وأما الصدقة بثمن الأضحيَّة بناء على أنه أفضل من ذبحها، فإن كانت الأضحيَّة منصوصًا عليها في الوقف أو الوصية لم يجز للوكيل العدول عن ذلك إلى الصدقة بثمنها، أما إن كانت تطوعًا عن غيره فالأمر في ذلك واسع، وأما الأضحيَّة عن نفس المسلم الحي وعن أهل بيته فسنة مؤكدة للقادر عليها، وذبحها أفضل من الصدقة بثمنها،

وبالله التوفيق.

He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2010. He currently resides in Nelson, Lancashire and is the Imam of Masijd Sunnah.

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