The most Despised person in the Sight of Allaah

Reference: Sharh Usool Al-Emaan – page 503

It is reported by Ai’sha (radiyya Allaahu ‘anhaa) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

«The most despised person in sight of Allaah is Al-Aladd al Khasim.»[1]

Shaykh Saaleh al-Fawzaan (haafidhahu Allaah) explains this hadeeth:

In this hadeeth is the prohibition of argumentation and quarrel, and that it is incumbent upon the Muslim to only seek the truth, not to seek being victorious by his argument even though its falsehood as it is the state of the people of misguidance.

His (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) saying: «Al-Aladd» means: one who excessively quarrels with falsehood.

And his saying: «al-Khasim» means: One who is proficient at quarreling.

What is blameworthy is to quarrel with falsehood in-order to remove the truth and establish falsehood.

And Allaah (Jallaa wa ‘Alaa) despises this type of person because:

1) His purpose is not to establish the truth, rather he only loves to overcome others with his argument even though it is falsehood;

2) And in most cases, a lot of excessive quarreling leads to defaming the quarrelsome person;

3) And because in most quarrels, one of the parties is arguing with falsehood, and this is why it was prohibited.

1) Reported by Saheeh Bukhaaree (no.2457),Saheeh Muslim (2668), and Musnad Ahmed (24277).

أبغض الرجال إلى الله

المرجع: شرح أصول الإيمان للشيخ لإسلام محمد ابن عبد الوهاب – ص503

و عن عائشة (رضي الله عنها) قالت: قال الرسول الله (صلى الله علية وسلم):

“إن أبغض الرجال إلى الله الألدٌ الخصم”. [متفق عليه الباري (2457) و مسلم (2668)]

قال شيخ صالح الفوزان:

في هذا حديث النهي عن الجدل والخصومات, وأنه ينبغي على المسلم إرادة الحق, لا التغلُب بحجته و إن كانت باطلة كما هو حال أهل الضلال.

وقوله (صلى الله علية وسلم): “الألد” أي: شديد الخصومة بالباطل.

وقوله: “الخصم” أي: الحاذق بالخصومة والمذموم هو الخصومة بالباطل في رفع حق ا واثبات باطل.

والله جلَ وعلا يبغض الألدَ الخصم, لأنه ليس قصده الحق وإنما حب ظهور الحجة بالخصومة ولو بالباطل, ولأن كثرة المخاصمة تفضي غالبا إلى ما يذمُ صاحبه, لأن أكثر المخاصمة تكون في باطل من أحد الطرفين, و لهذا جاء النهي عنها.

- from Toronto, Canada. He is a student of Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language; He is currently pursuing his Bachelors in Faculty of Hadeeth.

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